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Bodega Santa Cecilia, from the last over 20 years has been dedicated to export and provide Spanish wines all around the world. Every day our clients abroad are increasing, thanks to the prestige earned by the Spanish wine in the recent years.

Reasons for Choosing Bodega Santa Cecilia:

    1. 1.- We have a catalog with more than 5,000 references.

      2.- Our professional customers (restaurants, hotel chains, wine, distributors ...) from different countries benefit from our service to complete their wine lists or catalogs and ask us all kinds of wines and spirits.
    2. Our added value:

    1. · Variety of assortment.
    2. · Personal Advice.
    3. · Competitive prices.
    4. · The possibility of supply of bottles.
    5. · And quick management.



Find out about our special conditions, contact export@santacecilia.es





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